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Masked Faces

A lot of times, I tend to stare into people eyes and whenever I do that, I am searching for something. It could be embarrassing, because at the same time, I am wondering what that person might be thinking –…

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Misunderstood: The Effects

In my previous article, we realized that understanding someone wrongly is a choice we make. Today, I got inspired to write on the effects our actions (misunderstanding) on people. We might think that when we deliberately or mistakenly misunderstand someone,…

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Depression unmasked

Depression Unmasked

Even when I saw signs for myself, signs - though subtle masks behind which depression reveals itself, I disregarded the fact that I could ever be depressed. I hated to admit that this young lady was another victim of Mr.…

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Misunderstood By Victoria

When you speak of being judged, it often comes bad, and that's just how it is with people.. I reckon that what you see shapes how you think and eventually what you believe, many times it proves right and many…

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