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What Mentoring is Not

Mentoring 101
1. What Mentoring is Not

I’m guessing you’re wondering why we are choosing to learn about what mentorship isn’t rather than what it is. The truth is, sometimes knowing what something is not is just as important as knowing what it is.

While it’s pretty easy to count off the top of your head what mentorship is, you probably barely have an idea of what it isn’t. Keep reading to find out 5 things that mentorship isn’t.

  • Mentoring isn’t coaching or training
  • Mentorship is not a passive endeavour. It’s an intentional relationship
  • Mentorship is not therapy.
  • Mentorship is not a one-way street.
  • Mentorship is not a cure-all program.

Now that you know some of the things that mentorship isn’t, I believe you’ll do better as a mentor or mentee. Perhaps, if you do not have a mentor yet, you can use this to guide your decision and help frame your mindset for mentorship.

Have a blessed week.

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