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TGIF – Special Moments

So it’s Friday, the end of another busy week and the beginning of another weekend majority of us always look forward to. Well, it will be cool to end this week by sharing some of our memories; our earliest memories in particular, some of the things you remember doing as a kid and experiences you will never forget.

Good or bad, our experiences form memories which go a long way in creating a personality for us (in case you have not seen the movie; Inside out, you just have to see it).

So let’s share our special moments and memories; you just might be putting a smile on someone’s face by doing so, giving hope to someone or even make someone feel he or she is not alone.

Way ahead of you; I’ll be starting first: So many memories to pick from, but I’ll just two. I remember when I was about 4 or 5 years old, can’t remember exactly, I was the Ring-bearer in one of my uncle’s weddings, I wanted to be with my parents so much that I started crying in front of the entire church. Thinking about it now, I feel a little embarrassed, but don’t forget, I was still a kid. Also, many might not believe this; I had my first kiss when I was about 7 years old. #winks.

Some of my friends also shared theirs;

Yemi: Although I was little, I had to act and think like a boy always so as to be distinctively different from my peers, so I moved a lot with guys and discriminated the female folks. I was also very curious, so I moved with bad boys and good boys alike to know their opinion about ladies, virtually forgetting the fact that I was one.

Dolapo: I remember having my first crush; a fine boy in church who happened to like me too. I really liked him then but we later got separated when we relocated.

Ezekiel: When I was 7, my dad got back home from Abuja, and I was so excited to welcome him back; I ran down the stairs, not noticing a banana peel on one of the steps; the next think I remember is waking up in the hospital about 2 days later. I still have the mark on my head.

Jessica: I remember when I had almost everything I wanted; I gave out as much as I could but restricted myself from receiving. I felt happy and pleased to be able to bless others and put smiles on the faces of people around.

Adewunmi: I remember when I was younger, I had to go for extra moral classes far away from home and I was not permitted to play with the kids that lived around simply because they didn’t speak good English. But of course, I did play with them…

Yomi: At age 2, I was in the village and the only thing I can remember was my brother bouncing a tanko ball and I thought there was a bell in the ball; only for me to realize 8 years later that there is no bell in any ball. I also remember being the best short goal keeper in both primary and secondary schools.

Here are some memories that will likely stay in these hearts for a long time to come. Some are funny, some are “like seriously?”, some are “OMG!!!”

Why don’t you share yours? Remember, you might be putting a smile on someone’s face this weekend.

Every man has a purpose in life. Ours is to help people discover, rediscover and fulfill their purpose. We believe that the young generation are the building blocks and foundation of the next new thing the world is about to experience.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. I remember prayn for this particular old woman den @ age 4 tho she’s late now…i felt pleased wif maself even though at that age i wasnt sure if i was prayn or cursin..
    I also remember avn a crush on one of ma teachers in junior secondary skul..he was married but i actuwlly felt cool with dating a married man if he had askd me out then

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