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Girls with swords by Lisa Bevere | DeAltar

Girls With Swords By Lisa Bevere {EBook}

It’s one thing to own a sword; it’s quite another thing to know how to use it.

Every child of God has been entrusted with a sword—the sword of the Spirit. We’re warriors commissioned to wield the most powerful weapon in the universe. Our Lord and role model, Jesus Christ, is the Sword of the Spirit made flesh.

Two millennia ago He wielded this sword and changed the world. With this same sword he will one day subdue the nations. But for now he charges each of us: “As the Father has sent Me, I also send you” (John 20:21, NKJV).

There is a generation of daughters (and sons) rising up to show the magnificent power of our King. These warriors will bring change to their world by skillfully wielding the sword they’ve been entrusted with. God has given my wife, Lisa, a powerful message that will train the daughters (and sons) of God to use what they already possess to bring
change to their sphere of influence.

I’ve had the privilege of being married to this great woman of God for more than thirty years. I’ve witnessed her transformation from a scared, timid church attendee who hid from confrontation to a valiant and splendid warrior-daughter of our King. It’s a real privilege to know and work with such a lady. I learn so much from what God teaches her.

I know that this book will train you to use what you already possess. Don’t be someone who merely owns a sword. Be a skillful warrior who brings change to your world.

— John Bevere

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