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Better than your flaws, faults and failures

Better Than Your Flaws, Faults and Failures

A Better Me
1. How to be a Better Student
2. Better Than Your Flaws, Faults and Failures
3. Becoming a Better Woman
4. How to be a Better Mentor
5. Jesus, The Model Leader (Bible Study)

You know how it always feels like when people define you by your faults, mistakes, limitations, wrongs, sins and so on?

A lot of times people do not exactly judge us based on how good we are, or the good we have done. It always feels like they are patiently looking out for the faults in us, and then they make their conclusions about us.

“He is very brilliant, but he likes flirting with ladies…”

“She is very kindhearted, but she can be naive sometimes…”

For me, it feels like, no matter how much good you do, people would not be satisfied until they find something not so good about you. One of my favourite shows on Nickelodeon, Ricky, Nicky, Dicky and Dawn, calls those kinds of people, “The But-er“.

They always find the “but” that brings down all the awesomeness that you carry. But guess what? You are far better than your flaws, faults and failures.

You are far better than your flaws, faults and failures. Share on X

The moment you accept their definition based on your flaws, faults and failures, you have lowered yourself from the amazing heights that you were originally placed.

So, here is the thing; when God created us, He created us amazing, awesome; He saw us and He said; “Damn, this is very good” (My interpretation, but you get the point). Imperfection came as a result of our desire to be more than we already are. We forgot that we were already complete in Him who made us.

However, these imperfections are like variables that we can deal with. And as a matter of fact, we have to deal with them. The first step to dealing with them is by realizing that they are not supposed to be there. They are foreign variables that are polluting our awesomeness. Note; they do not change who we already are, because all that we are has been perfected since we were created.

When we begin to treat our flaws, faults and failures from the perspective of “this is not who I am”, which is oftentimes, contrary to public opinion of “that is who you are”, you will begin to consciously and intentionally remove stuff that you know is not meant to be there.

You are better than your flaws, faults and failures. Everyone who has so far defined you by those things have made a huge mistake because they really do not know who you are.

You are better than your flaws, faults and failures. Everyone who has so far defined you by those things have made a huge mistake because they really do not know who you are. Share on X

Since they are only trying to look at you through their imperfect lenses, what they get to see, is the imperfect you, their lenses permit them to see.

But the view is better when you see yourself through the eyes of Christ. 

“While we were yet sinners, Christ died for us”… This scripture always makes my heart beat faster every time I see it. I mean, imperfection was all over me, sin was the constant sight, but then He saw something else that made Him pay the ultimate price for me. What He saw was what I could never see with my own eyes or through the eyes of any mortal man. What He saw was what He created in the beginning, “damn good”… And for me to see that as well, He needed to bring me out of darkness, into His marvellous light.

I cannot say this enough;

You are better than your addictions

You are better than your flaws

You are better than your mistakes

You are better than your faults

You are better than your failures and disappointments

Who you are is more than all the imperfections that seem to linger. And if you continue to see yourself as more, you will find that consciously, you are eliminating those things that do not belong in you.

I hope this has helped you see yourself in a new light. Please leave a comment telling us how this has helped you. Don’t forget to share with someone.

Every man has a purpose in life. Ours is to help people discover, rediscover and fulfill their purpose. We believe that the young generation are the building blocks and foundation of the next new thing the world is about to experience.

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. HE looked at me and said “damn she is very good” this is very comforting!
    I am better than my faults, flaws and failures

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