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Faults In Our Stars

Stars are diamonds in the sky
Deep in space they lie
They are treasures placed so high
They are a beauty to the eye

Unique lights that shine in the dark
They are not scared of the dog barks
Seem so small but cannot fit into any dock
They are perfectly placed to spark a smile

Everything seems perfect
Imperfection doesn’t seem to exist in their genetic makeup
Flawless beings with no blemish
It seems too good to be true

Does a perfect being truly exist?
Can one be really flawless?
Though as it may
Perfection lies in the belly of immortals.

These stars are no immortals
Brilliant as they seem, they are surrounded by rough edges
These rough edges represent weaknesses
Every one of them has one weakness

While some have smoothened these rough edges
Some still live with them
Covering them with smooth linings
The camouflage is perfect.

The smiles hide the pain
The extravaganza covers the guilt
Charity deeds cloak the hideous past
Each one of them protecting something

The solution is admission
The way out is submission
These faults are passive in nature
But you need to be active

The faults in our stars are not absent
What we have done so far has resulted to our present state
What we do about them now determines our future
How early we deal with them determines our ascent
Stars are real, faults are even more real.

Every man has a purpose in life. Ours is to help people discover, rediscover and fulfill their purpose. We believe that the young generation are the building blocks and foundation of the next new thing the world is about to experience.

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