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A Selfless Me

Happy New Month to you. A new month comes with new stuffs right? We also have something new to share this month. Last month was all about “A New Me”, building the foundation for being far better persons than previous…

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A New Me; The Concluding Post.

A NEW ME; The Concluding Post I believe we all agree that this year is not just about making resolutions but it’s about being intentional in our walk to rebuilding a closer walk with God, to greatness, and to becoming…

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The Way Forward

THE WAY FORWARD Sometimes in life, we make wrong decisions and mistakes, and we are forced to face the consequences of those decisions and choices. At this point, the natural tendency would be to clam up, plunge into self-pity and…

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Working Profitably

This year, we must learn to transfer our “working hard” into “working profitably”. One way to achieve this is by being creative and innovative. Creativity is the act of turning new and imaginative ideas into reality. It involves two processes;…

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A New Me

Hello friends, Welcome to 2017, a new year that promises to be far better compared with previous years. Previous years have come and gone with their disappointments; particularly with resolutions, goals, visions and dreams. However, this New Year promises a…

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