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A New Me; The Concluding Post.

A NEW ME; The Concluding Post

I believe we all agree that this year is not just about making resolutions but it’s about being intentional in our walk to rebuilding a closer walk with God, to greatness, and to becoming a positive world changer. It’s also about being intentional on becoming the new you that you desire, and standing out.

How do we stand out?

It all starts by learning to transfer our ‘working hard’ into ‘working profitably’. Being creative and
innovative, and also by ensuring a bright and conducive future for ourselves and generations under us. What better way can we achieve this than by making a START. Don’t let ideas just remain in your head. Remember if you have ideas but don’t act on them, you’re just imaginative but not creative. Start something no matter how small. Do not despise the days of small beginnings.

But then, how can we START something new if we’re still plunged into self-pity as a result of past failures. Remember, “If you’ve made mistakes, there’s always another chance for you because this thing we call ‘failure’ is not the falling down but the staying down”. So don’t stay down, let go of past mistakes and failures and take a step FORWARD by starting afresh. Starting afresh is not going to be easy but no matter how hard it gets no matter how tough no matter the obstacles and stumbling block you encounter on the way no matter how rough, scary or how ugly it gets, DON’T STOP. Keep going because the almighty God is going with you and He’ll see you through those trying times.

Well, you also have a part to play if you’ll successfully pass through those hard times that part is building a lifestyle of integrity, humility, creativity, hard work, godliness and holiness on your solid foundation; Jesus Christ.

MAXImize your strengths and imPROVE on your weaknesses. Pay attention to details, this means being
thorough and accurate in whatever you do. Aim for quality and perfection at all times, “the difference between something good and something great is attention to details”. Paying attention to details makes your work complete, exact, flawless, and free of error. Most importantly ensure you’re connected to the God of success.

As you go on this journey, you will face lots of obstacles and challenges which will seem impossible to overcome; but always remember that you can still make it work as long as you see these challenges as tests that you can overcome..

On a final note I’ll leave you with these wonderful quotes;

A life spent making mistakes is not only more honourable, but more useful than a life spent doing nothing”.
-George Bernard Shaw

“Continuous effort- not strength or intelligence- is the key to unlocking our potential”
-Wiston Churchill

“The secret of getting ahead is getting started. The secret of getting
started is breaking down your complex overwhelming tasks into small manageable tasks, and then starting on the first one.”
-Mark Twain
Stay blessed. You are never alone.

Every man has a purpose in life. Ours is to help people discover, rediscover and fulfill their purpose. We believe that the young generation are the building blocks and foundation of the next new thing the world is about to experience.

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