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Embracing Hope A path to healing

Embracing Hope: A path to healing

Have you ever been hurt so badly that you felt you couldn’t move on, so much that life seemed unbearable? When bad things happen, we often find ourselves overwhelmed in despair and terrible pain. At times, it feels like we’re broken beyond repair and sometimes, we just want to shut ourselves away and drown in depression.

During moments like these, how do we move past the overwhelming feelings of brokenness, helplessness, and despair?

I’ve heard countless times that hope is what keeps us alive – “where there’s life, there’s hope.” Sometimes, I wonder how something intangible, something unseen, can wield such immense power.

In medical contexts, I’ve heard doctors say that no amount of treatment can help someone who has given up hope, someone who doesn’t want to get better, someone who has abandoned the will to live. I used to think the doctors might lack experience or capability, leading them to blame the patient. But I now realize that our mindset greatly affects our physical well-being in ways we might not comprehend.

When we’re hurting, physically or emotionally, when it feels like we’re never going to get better, it’s easy to slip into depression. As the saying goes, misery loves company.
In that state of hopelessness, when it seems that things will not and cannot get better and that there is no solution to our problems, we must acknowledge that our feelings can hinder us from seeking or getting help.

Hopelessness is dangerous. It not only convinces us that things won’t improve but also makes us reject any offered help. When assistance is given, we believe it won’t make a difference, so we turn it away. That’s how dire it can be.

What Hope really is

Hope involves belief and expectation. It encompasses having goals, along with the desire and plan to achieve them. It’s about being optimistic and believing that we can attain what we desire.

Hope isn’t passive; it isn’t merely wishing for things to get better. It’s active. Hope is the choice to rise above challenges, to be optimistic, and to do everything within our power to achieve our goals.

Whenever I reflect on the story of Bartimaeus, I’m always amazed by his unwavering determination. Despite people telling him to be silent, he called out to Jesus for help, persisting until his cries reached the ears of Jesus, who then healed him. I can imagine Bartimaeus enduring ridicule, navigating life without sight, yet he clung to hope. He didn’t surrender to self-pity over his blindness; instead, he held onto the belief that Jesus could heal him. When the chance arose, he didn’t sit passively, waiting for help; he fervently cried out until his pleas were answered.

For me, hope lies in God’s promises. When life’s burdens weigh me down, I remember that God’s plans for me are good, designed to give me hope and a future. So, I don’t give up. I persevere until I see His plans fulfilled.

So, are you hurting? Feeling broken or sick? Do you believe life isn’t worth living? It’s important to break free from this despair and embrace hope.
Stop blaming yourself for your current situation and focus on the brighter side. Remember, everything will be fine in the end; if it’s not fine, it’s not the end.

Embrace hope, my friends; it has the power to transform us. It fuels our lifes, providing the strength we need to endure. Even if the world doesn’t improve, staying hopeful is all the more reason to hold on.


Don’t surrender to hopelessness. Give yourself a chance to heal. Remember, where there’s hope, there’s life.

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