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Love over Me - DeAltar



“Father Lord, help me to love and LOVE till there is no room for resentment and hatred in me again”, this has been my heart’s cry for a while now.

Loving is a choice. Once you choose to love, there are things you have to do, more like actions you have to take because love is not only having a feeling of affection but expressing those feelings through actions that shows people how much you love them.

When you choose to Love:

  1. You choose to always see good in everyone: when you only focus on the good side of people, you’ll find it easier to love them and see them the way Jesus sees them. Jesus never looked for faults in people, instead He focused on the good in them and helped them in developing their good side (Luke 19:1-10)
  2. You choose to smile: smiling goes a long way in demonstrating our love to people around us. A smile can heal the broken hearted. Jesus was always smiling, how do I know this? Well, if he wasn’t, if he was always looking overly serious and grumpy, he wouldn’t have had so many followers.
  3. You choose to have compassion: a heart of love is a heart that shows compassion. Always be ready to reach out to the hurting. Jesus was compassionate (Matthew 14:14, Matthew 20:34, Mark 8:2-4).
  4. You choose to intercede: showing love and concern to people moves you to pray for them. Jesus loves us so much that He prays for us in John 17:11. He prays for us to live in oneness and the only way we can live in oneness is by choosing to Love.
  5. You choose to listen: A big part of loving is listening. God loves us and takes time to listen to us when we pray to Him (1 John 5:14). Let’s also take time to listen to people, give them our attention, it goes a long way in encouraging and comforting them.

These are just a few actions ,there are still a lot of ways to show love. But starting with these, we can be sure that resentments and hatred won’t find expression in us any longer, we’ll be able to move further in the other ways to show Love.

Father, we ask that your Love finds expression in us, we’ll walk in Love all the days of our lives and see everyone the way you see them.


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