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Attractive Astray By Victoria

Attractive Astray By Victoria

Oh life! And its exceptionally spurious pleasures. Incandescent!! Bright and shiny, urging us unto trial. Big contagious smiles on the faces of participants. ‘There is no hurt in trial’ we conclude, giving in without a second thought. Soaking in and grooving to the rhythm of faux pleasures….Consumed with the extreme fun that life presents. Living with reckless abandon, ‘Rock it while you can..’

The thrilling shivers, high spirits , ‘on top of the world’  feeling, boundless courage we possess just knowing that we’re among the time bound ‘Lords of Life’ is oh so enticing.

Going against all the principles we set. Living beyond the boundaries that we placed. Violating the sacred morals that have been imbibe. A solo walk to vivacious obscurity. Obsessed with madness of trend. Practically a life of reckless abandon. Dismissal of faith, cautiously molding lies in beautiful wraps, portraying it with pride. Opting for the silly bliss in the grotesque murk of sin.

The moment of dreaded and unconsidered consequences of action comes, when it all feels awful. Our being, very weary from the ‘fun’. Feeling extremely without, empty, lost…in the middle of no where. ‘How did it get to this’ but memory fails.

Dumbfounded, blank….Suddenly, in a rush it all comes back…glancing around for friends, ‘Oops….deserted’ In that moment life is revealed.

Romans 12 vs 2 ‘And be not conformed to this world but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind that you may prove what is good and acceptable will of God’.

Where does the world lead? Teachings and preachings, books and looks. In all you’ve found that our earthy cravings are all but vanity. Cautious not to loose ourselves as we carefully but competitively tread life’s journey. So called friends are haters, loving their recklessness, unreasonably envious of your cautiousness. their sarcastic  remarks that gets you tempted to committing. Extremely ecstatic at your distraction, they can’t be less excited that they alone won’t perish.

Easily swayed by the sweet deceitful talks of men, wanting to believe their truth, pretty sadly, their veracity is all lies.

Proverbs 14 vs 12, “there is a way that seemeth right unto a man but the end is thereof ways of death”.

To what end is the path? Beautiful attractions that fades away as quickly as it catches your attention, lasting a while…..

Standing alone never means you’re in the wrong, moving with the crowd doesn’t guarantee right location’

Destruction is a surety to that exceedingly arousing truth extinguishing path, a stupendous and glorious finish for those who do not run ahead of themselves but patiently awaits the ideal timing that the creator has ordained.

You Are Never Alone.

Every man has a purpose in life. Ours is to help people discover, rediscover and fulfill their purpose. We believe that the young generation are the building blocks and foundation of the next new thing the world is about to experience.

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