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Love over Me - DeAltar

I Choose Love (2) By Micheals Kingsley

I Choose Love (2) By Micheals Kingsley

In this world where cruelty has become the order of the day

Hatred has eaten deep into the hearts of many

I choose Love and allow Love to be entrenched in the fabrics of my heart

And also to live by example.

Love is an action

It is shown and not just said

We have gotten so familiar with Hollywood’s counterfeit love

That it could be really hard and confusing recognizing love

And at the same time, knowing how to receive love.

I choose to show love without barrier.

To recognize love and to receive love without bounds.

Nelson Mandela said,

“people must learn to hate, and if they must learn to hate, they can be taught to love, for love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite…”

So, I choose to love in a way that will make others learn;

I’ll teach love by loving!

The world, full of hate, hurt and pain needs love.

Heartbreaks, disappointments and sadness, may have left our hearts full of stone and afraid to put ourselves back out there.

People, as a result of this, give up on love,

Refusing everyone’s approach of friendship and love,

They end up building walls,

Shielding their hearts from the next person

And often pushing love away.

But, as the wounds heal and the tears dry,

I will accept and give love,

I will always choose love.

What would you rather choose?

You Are Never Alone.

Every man has a purpose in life. Ours is to help people discover, rediscover and fulfill their purpose. We believe that the young generation are the building blocks and foundation of the next new thing the world is about to experience.

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