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I CHOOSE LOVE – Micheals Kingsley

Love. Just a four letter word right? But you will agree with me that it has the magnitude to paint you with absolute dulcet, touching every aspect of your being, from the external to the internal. Unfortunately, not everyone got this feeling. Some long for it but are yet to get it, some don’t believe in it because of life’s’ bitterness and harsh realities, some have misunderstood it because they have no true concept of what it feels like to be loved, some are afraid of it because somehow in the past their love turned cold..
My perspective about love is the one Mother Teresa had when she said: “There is more hunger in the world for love than there is for bread.” These words ring in my ears each time I see beggars on the streets corner, the woman hawking under the rain, the lady suffering from heartbreak and the child searching the heaps of rubbish for edibles. At this point, I have no clear picture of what to do, maybe because I thought I was incapable of rendering any help.
But can I In this present day?
When you travel far and wide, you will find certain people with dark skin treated with so much disdain. They thirst for something.
Take a visit to the orphanage homes, you will somehow have to link them to the tormented and abandoned, because the trio share one need in common.
Love – something we can’t see, but feeling is the big answer.
The world is singing love and that cannot be overemphasized.
But we somehow, sometime and somewhere reacted indifferent when its in our court to give out love. We many times have closed our hearts when the green light beckoned on us.
And here are some excuses: I don’t know what to do; I have too little, etc.
But how about a hearty smile and a warm hello or even a tip.
We think these are too small to make an impact, but it does.
A little act of love goes a long way. It is the sound the deaf hear, the motion the blind see and the song the cripple wants to dance to. It’s never too big and it’s never too small.

Today, we must start reaching out to people and connect deeply with them. Show love in any way you can with reckless abandon.
In this world, we all have a choice and for me, I choose love

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