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A Lady writing a letter to her future self

Letter to my Future Self

Dear Future Self,

Hi, it is me from your past. I don’t know how old you are right now. You should probably be in your thirties. I am feeling very nervous writing the letter, struggling to imagine how much you have grown and developed in some areas of your life.

Future Self, I am in my twenties right now and still trying to figure out life and love myself. It has been very difficult to love me. I don’t know why but I really hope you love yourself now and you have very healthy self-esteem. I hope you love, cherish and value yourself because you are a beautiful, strong lady with a gorgeous heart. And no matter what people say always remember those words in your head, heart, and mind.

By now, I hope you are already financially free and not having to deal with the struggles of work and making ends meet like I am right now. 

Future Self, do you remember?

Do you remember how you loved doing movie nights with your sisters, also the karaoke nights too which were usually fun, and how we stayed up late doing these things and sleep by daybreak which always made mummy angry?

Remember how you loved looking outside the window in the car or bus to admire nature’s beauty and the wonders of God? I hope you have not forgotten how you loved to fantasize about cars and the kind of car you want. You should also remember how you loved to dream about your perfect guy and also write down what you want in your perfect guy.
I am sure you remember the time you felt very unloved and insecure with everybody or anybody. How you didn’t really like talking to people and didn’t have friends. Remember how you cried every day and night about your past experience of being bullied which made you have very low self-esteem and emotionally unstable? You had severe stage fright during any presentation and would often cry after the presentation.

It is great to remember these experiences because they have contributed largely to your growth and development over the years. I want you to look back and see how you have changed in these years.

Here are some of my favorite things right now.  I love sad music maybe because I’m a melancholic person. Sleeping is also one of my hobbies now because it helps me to escape from the real world and also helps me to stop overthinking.
Through the hard times and good times, I am becoming a stronger version of myself also and outgrowing my comfort zone. I am happy with myself on some days and on other days, I feel unfulfilled with myself. But I am in my learning phase and growing daily.

Final words

Hey Future Self, you have come a very long way. Regardless of what phase of life you’re in right now, be happy. Some of your struggles are behind you already. Do the things that make you happy and fulfilled. Surround yourself with people that love you, value you, and know your worth. Be a light in your world and shine without apologies. I love you so much.


Your twenty (past) self.

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