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What is self esteem?

What is Self-esteem?

Self-esteem is an essential concept because it plays a vital role in our interactions, achievements and the outcome of our lives.

Self-esteem can be measured on a scale of high and low and Invariably, low Self esteem has extreme adverse effects on people, some of which are ill feelings of defeat, unworthiness, depression, ruining of relationships, living short of purpose. Low self-esteem often is a fuel for wrong choices. On the other hand, high self-esteem could sometimes be offsetting and lead to unhealthy eventualities.

However, there can be a balance that is referred to as Healthy self-esteem. Nevertheless, whatever side of the scale you are on, it is important to know and understand that though self-esteem is stable it is not ‘fixed’, it can be built likewise, it can deteriorate. What exactly is self-esteem.

What is self-esteem?

Simply put, self-esteem is how you think of yourself. Psychology refers to it as the overall sense of self-worth and personal value.

According to Self-esteem expert, Morris Rosenberg, Self-esteem is simply one’s attitude to one’s self.

Self-esteem feeds on your acceptance of who you are. Some people feel they are below standard, lesser, not as beautiful, not good enough and in this light that stems from comparison, they talk,walk and interact and the end result is lack of confidence and a deficient self-esteem also known as low self-esteem.

Factors that affect/influence self-esteem

From observation and study, there are a good number of factors that are believed to affect/influence self-esteem. There is a biology that influences self-esteem and this is genetics. Physical disabilities also affect self-esteem, for example someone that is lame or blind will not be very confident to stand before people or to interact in a gathering because their disabilities makes them feel less than others.

Thoughts/inner thinking, age and experiences with certain people especially close relations greatly influences self-esteem, for example receiving criticism or insults from family members or friends often causes a low self-esteem.

However, regardless of the factors that influence our self-esteem, whether it’s within or without, self-esteem can be improved.

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