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5 ways to be excellent at what you do

It is all over the place that Excellence is not a destination but I determined that excellence is a destination, and to arrive at it, your lifestyle should also be one of excellence. In a nutshell, Excellence is a way of life as well as a destination.

So how do you integrate excellence into your life so you arrive at the destination?

  1. Follow your passion: Passion is an endless drive that helps you tap into your limitless potentials. We function at our highest abilities when we work from a place of passion, so find your passion then follow it and if in any case you can’t, then find your passion in what you are doing.
  2. Set Realistic Goals: Do not pen down goals that appear idealistic because the truth is, even if you attempt it, you’ll be overwhelmed and eventually quit so write down goals that you know you can work to achieve. Because consistency in little things outweighs failure in the big things.
  3. Commitment: “The quality of a person’s life is in direct proportion to their commitment to excellence, regardless of their chosen field of endeavour.” ~Vince Lombardi. Excellence is a way of life just like culture and to be better at it, you have to be consistent. Every day, commit to your defined course and Excellence will find you worthy. Do not forget that total devotion and diligence is the hallmark of excellence. As A.P.J. Abdul Kalam has rightly said and I quote “Excellence is a continuous process and not an accident.”
  4. Build Mastery: The world doesn’t applaud mediocrity. Everyone is interested in seeing excellence. and nothing short of it, so you must strive to be at the top of your game, be a master of your skills. It is true that this doesn’t happen in one day, so you have to keep learning and practising.
  5. Surround yourself with the right people: Association is also important. Like it or not, you are in some way influenced by your association. You should surround yourself with excellent~minded people if you want to attain excellence.

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