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How to love what you do: Passion and Commitment

From time immemorial,’follow your passion’ has been a chorus advice that professionals,counsellors,speakers,leaders have sang in response to the question of finding fulfillment. However,the phrase is rather outdated because in this present time,almost everyone is hardly offered the luxury of time or chance to find and follow their passion.

Work is more often a source of frustration than fulfilment for 90% of the world’s workers (Forbes magazine report, 2013).

Evidently, according to reports and even in our reality,we cannot deny the popular occurrence that passion often stands at loggerhead with work/education so the question remains;

• Do we keep up with the discontent or go after passion regardless of education?
• Do we switch jobs till we find where our passion dwells?

Confucius had said “Choose a job you love and you will never have to work a day in your life.”

This quote supports the notion that argues that if you have passion for what you do, work would not feel like work.

Without doubt, passion is the fuel that burns and keeps a vision running in its early years of birth but this fuel could get exhausted, the excitement does wear off because life and nothing in it is a bed of roses, the thrill goes,challenges wear people out but at these crossroads, commitment is the fire that starts with sparks of ‘little at a time’, consistency, slow and steady, little but unceasing efforts that with time sets ablaze ‘will’, fires up resilience.

I dare to advice you to throw yourself into whatever you find to do and let the little but unceasing efforts, consistency be your daily quota and I assure you the birth of passion in that endeavor because commitment is the heart of passion.

Passion makes you do what you love whereas commitment gets you to love what you do. So in this world where we aren’t always offered the bliss to run along with passion, let commitment help you find love in what you do.

Let commitment birth a lasting and unfading passion.

Commitment is the key to loving what you do.

Written By: Victoria Nwachukwu

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