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Overcoming The Storms With My Anchor

“…Though the waters thereof roar and be troubled, though the mountains shake with the swelling thereof. God is in the midst of her; she shall not be moved…”

Neon signs flashed and flickered
Streaky lightning emblazoned the sky
With ghostly glow, it casted shrieking Sparks
Jagged flashes of pure light

Thunder rolled across the sky
A winnowing wind sighed
Churlish and caterwauling, blowing and shaking depths
My weight held no defense

The bedlam of sea
Broke out in ripples
Throbbing grey with woe
Survival stood aloof

With undead tears, the rain beat down
Like an ocean thrown from the sky
An avalanche of water
Fear smirked, Death looked me in the eye

The wind whistled
A mountainous wave rose up
Tugging at my ship from every side
No denying, I’d sink into the deep

“Right here, look!”
Calm and clear, though the storm raged
No mistaking
My anchor was before me

“I run deeper, I hold firmly
Though you’d be shaken
Rest in my assurance
Rest in me

My heart in my mouth
With every awareness of the tempest-tossed sea
I took Him at His word
The storm stood no chance with my anchor

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