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My Journey to Self Discovery By Ashley

On a journey to self discovery.

I had been living a life like everybody in this world, hanging out with friends, dancing to music, watching movies, had emotional breakdown, going on dates, and all sorts.

Isn’t this how it is in the world, you live your life the way you want, but now I feel my life had just been a lie.

In the past, if you asked me ‘who I was I would have given a lot of reasons for one to know and like me now’ but now if I am asked who I am, I look up to the sky and say; I don’t know.

My friends, family and pet even think I have lost my memory. I see my mum cry everyday due to the fact that, I feel like a stranger.
It all started with my best friend telling me to die. I’m sure I died that day cause after that day,

I was filled with so much darkness I couldn’t see the light.

Just when I was about to give up and ease the pain my family had to go through, by committing suicide. The radio came up with the word, come to me on ye that are heavy ladened and I will give you rest.

Just with that I knew that I wasn’t the anchor of my life. There was someone who was ready to take my burden away and give me the life I wanted. A life for me and not society.

Written by: Ashley 

Every man has a purpose in life. Ours is to help people discover, rediscover and fulfill their purpose. We believe that the young generation are the building blocks and foundation of the next new thing the world is about to experience.

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