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Who Are You Aligned With?

Who Are You Aligned With? By Shiloh Akinyemi

Aligned!! When I told that this is the theme for the month of July, I was wowed because I thought it was an impossible topic to write on. I was certain it was going to be difficult. Aligned!!! I checked its meaning and here’s what I got

  1. Aligned: In a straight line.
  1. Aligned: Brought into agreement or cooperation on the side of a faction, party, or cause.

To be aligned means to be in agreement, to cooperate, to be in a straight line with something or someone.

The question is who or what are you aligned with?

Are you aligned with Christ? Are you aligned with the Holy Spirit? Are you aligned with the things of the world? Are you aligned with your friends? Or are you aligned with the flesh (the sinful nature of man)? Whoever or whatever you are aligned with DICTATES how you live your life.

Being aligned with the Holy Spirit, creates a craving on the inside of you to live a Christ-like life. It helps you subdue and dominate the flesh. More importantly, being in agreement with the Holy Spirit helps you discover God’s plan and purpose for you and keeps you in a straight line to fulfilling that purpose.

The type of life we live is the product of the power we are Aligned with.

So, lets decide the power that rules, directs and leads us.

You have the power to choose who you are aligned with

#AmAlignedwithChrist #AmAlignedwithTheHolySpirt

Every man has a purpose in life. Ours is to help people discover, rediscover and fulfill their purpose. We believe that the young generation are the building blocks and foundation of the next new thing the world is about to experience.

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