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Every King and Queen has one thing in common

Every King and Queen has One Thing in Common

Every king and queen has one thing in common; self- confidence, self- recognition as someone special, royal. In our case, we are suddenly swept by underserved love from our gracious Father, we are given the opportunity to live life anew, this time not as a slave to sin but as a victor and conqueror over sin, guilt, shame, unbelief and the host of all the rabbles the enemy used to torment us aforetime. The feeling is awesome right? Yeah!! But it is in this awesomeness that a great enemy lies unnoticed, prawling like a hungry lion to ensnare the royal priesthood into captivity. Can you guess who this enemy is? Well, some might think it’s an old habit coming back, a guilt not dealt with or the debris of the past. As true as these assumptions may sound, they do not describe the enemy at all.

See, there is a reason why God in his infinite mercy constantly reminds his own of his promise of grace and how that promise will be fulfilled in our lives. Yes, by redemption we enter a place of a eternal grace but PRIDE can shift us off grace. Have you wondered why great men often fail usually after a great victory? THE MENACE OF PRIDE. This was the exact sin that threw Lucifer out of God’s kingdom forever. In the book of Isaiah 14, from verses 12 through to 17, we are introduced to the morning sun who wanted to exalt his throne above God. In his pride, he imagined vain things against God. We know how the story ends, he was banished forever and the bitter guy has since then used this same trick on many royal sons and daughters of God’s kingdom. Royalty is a place of recognition but much more a place of service. While we might not be thinking of overthrowing God’s kingdom, we need to check our hearts and our thoughts. Having such a beautiful life anew, how do we then live this glorious life devoid of pride because honestly, your heart may be screaming I deserve some accolades right now. Lol.

Let’s consider our Saviour, Jesus Christ. Remember his temptation in Matthew chapter 4? The devil reminded him just in case he had forgotten that he had the power to turn stones to bread. But our Lord did something profound: for every enticing statement, the Word was his defense. It was as if to say, yes I know what I can do but I’ll rather stick to the manual for my life. And when he was offered the opportunity to save mankind, he could have refused, a king cannot be reduced to a slave, a sinner, despicable, despised of men. But instead he wore on himself the cloak of HUMILITY.  That’s why in Phillippians chapter 2 verses 5 through 11, God exalted high above all other names on earth, under the earth and in heaven. That same chapter in verses 3 and 4 cautions us to have the mind of Christ, a humble mind ready to submit to God’s will above all things. James 4 verses 6 says “God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble. Verse 10 promises a reward of lifting when we humble ourselves and this same message was resounded again in 1 Peter5:6.

Friends, the life of Royalty we have been given is sustained by a lifestyle of Humility so we don’t lose our gracefulness as royal beings. So, celebrate yourself in God and keep your hearts free from pride by staying likeminded as Jesus. How? Let Gods word be the guide for this new life that you have now. Don’t forget the oath of office to stay loyal to the throne at all times.  Have yourselves a royal” banquet-ish ” celebration. YOU ARE LOVED AND YOU ARE ROYALTY!!

Every man has a purpose in life. Ours is to help people discover, rediscover and fulfill their purpose. We believe that the young generation are the building blocks and foundation of the next new thing the world is about to experience.

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