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Hey You,

Hey you,

Have I told you recently how beautiful I think you are? You have been incredible to me and I would like to appreciate you.

You have always stood by me, at my weakest and lowest points, you have managed to make me find reasons to smile, even when I think I should be bothered with what the world thinks, you have reminded me that the only thoughts that matters are those of God and myself.

You are a dreamer and because of that I dream, I dream dreams of a better life and great future and you put in gentle reminders that it is not just by dreaming, but also by doing, you have been wonderful to me.

When I made mistakes and I beat myself up about it, you showed me there are other ways, you showed me the past is gone and what I decide to do with my future is what matters most. I thank you.

You helped me in my growth and I have come a long way. I know I have let you down numerous times, but you never hold it against me, arms opened and wide you accept me back.

Dear past me, thank you, thank you for the memorable moments, for the lessons, for the mistakes, for the laughter, for the tears, for the pain that taught me to trust, for the ache that taught me to long, for the dreams that showed me a wonderful future lays ahead, for the pain that made me stronger, for each and every moment you stood by me when others didn’t, I thank you.

Thank you past me.

Every man has a purpose in life. Ours is to help people discover, rediscover and fulfill their purpose. We believe that the young generation are the building blocks and foundation of the next new thing the world is about to experience.

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