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Am i old enough to be a parent - DeAltar

Am I Old Enough To Be A Parent?

Am I old enough to be a parent?

Writing on this topic was quite challenging. I didn’t know how to start and I kept asking myself what to write. So, I decided to just write.

Picking up my phone, I typed the question “Am I old enough to be a parent”? into the Google search engine and this is the first answer I got (which we are going to work with).

“Maybe there is no minimum age to become a parent, but you should ask yourself whether you are ready to be a parent. Being a parent means you and the other parent must care for the child and make important decisions in the child’s life. It is big responsibility”.

Now the last paragraph of this answer was what got me thinking and it goes; “Important!! It is not your parents responsibility to care for your child even if you are under 18”

Wow!! So are you old enough to be a parent? Am quite sure a lot of us would probably scream a NO!!!! But let me ask you a question; if you are aware that you aren’t old enough to be a parent then why have sex?

Oh yeah I can actually see some of you rolling your eyes at this point saying “blah blah blah here we go again.” Well am not here to talk on sex (that would be addressed some other time). I just want to eastabliah the fact that indulging in sexual escapades and not wanting a baby is like sowing a seed, watering it, even nurturing it yet praying or wishing that the seed doesn’t germinate so that there won’t be an harvest.

Stupid right? Anyways lets move on. As a parent, you are expected to not only bring a child into this world but also to care, nurture, train and make decisions concerning that child.

So before you get in bed with whoever and start making babies, here are some questions to ask yourself:

Am I financially stable to raise a child?

Am I emotionally strong to deal with the stress of being a parent?

Am I psychologically matured to know when and when not to spank my child?

And most importantly am I a perfect role model for my child?

Since am writing to teenagers (cause I don’t expect a married person to ask this question), you should also ask yourself if you are prepared to have a child out of wedlock.

So… Are you old enough to be a parent?

I hope I have been able to answer this question. Please feel free to drop a comment or ask questions.

You Are Never Alone

Written By; Shiloh

Every man has a purpose in life. Ours is to help people discover, rediscover and fulfill their purpose. We believe that the young generation are the building blocks and foundation of the next new thing the world is about to experience.

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