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Hey Me…

Hey me, Listen!

Remember our special song of how special we are? Our dream of how great we will be? How we burned with passion in anticipation of the future? How the world would be blown away by the distinctions we will make?

Your familiar smile tells me that you remember.

Another question, what has changed so far?

I know how inconvenient it has eventually become, how hard real life is and how much tougher it is to face it better still, stand up to it.

I see you each time you cry, your pain and your proximity to give up. So far you’ve held on fine.

I see your tears even now and I know just how much you intend to break grounds but every time you are far away from opportunities.

The world no longer cuddles you, you no more are a baby. Results! they scream in your face.

Friends have come, friends have gone. Enemies have stayed longer. They all could barely put up with your inability to produce ‘results’. How much of a pathetic person you’ve become hunh?

Hey, remember that someone else sees your pain and struggles? That He will never leave nor forsake you?

Remember how great and marvelous His thoughts are towards you?

How He plans to bring you safely to an expected (glorious) end?

Remember that you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a peculiar nation?

That in due time if you do not faint (give up) you will get there?

Remember that He is patiently waiting for you?

You will be forced out of belief in yourself and all that you know the future holds for you. You will be scorned in your in your patience and diligence but they are not what matters. He has not given up on you. He has predestined you great, work towards that greatness.

And hey, you have to not disappoint the young dreamer you once were. I know sometimes it seems like it but I am not disappointed, I wait in anticipation for the glory that will be revealed in you and the same ones that pushed and forsook you will turn to rejoice with you if you hang on and keep going.

Let’s get our confidence back

All things worketh together for good to them who love God and are called according to his purpose

This we know

See it or not, He is working for your good. Keep up your smile

You can do this!

You Are Never Alone

Every man has a purpose in life. Ours is to help people discover, rediscover and fulfill their purpose. We believe that the young generation are the building blocks and foundation of the next new thing the world is about to experience.

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