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As Yourself | DeAltar

As Yourself

Love comes with a price

A price that cannot be bought


Love the Lord your God with your whole heart, mind and soul…

Receiving God’s love, His acceptance of you is the first step

We love him because he first loved us

This is what happened and what happens. When we recognize and accept God’s love, we get in Love with Him with every particle of our being.

And the second is like unto the first. Love your neighbor as yourself

That moment when we begin to try so hard to Love others but anger is never on the far end, bitterness… being so hard on everything, everyone…

It’s because it doesn’t stop at loving others but loving others as YOURSELF. It flows out from you, the measure with which you hold yourself, you then can hold others.

Why doesn’t it feel right with ourselves?

Blaming ourselves for every mistake, pain and the regrets for our wrong actions. We see forgiveness but one molecule in us doesn’t give in to this truth.

The beauty is, God is no man. When He forgives, it is complete. He wipes out the records of wrongs, cleanses and embraces, not holding one thing against us. Now, we have to believe in the forgiveness that has been offered at the cross. Believe in His passionate and specific love for every person. Let fear out the door cos fear brings with it the thought of punishment but perfect love casts out fear.

There comes a newness and wholeness which comes only in Jesus Christ. We can now see ourselves clearly, no guilt, no shame, just by ourselves before God. For as He is, so are we. And when we realize and appreciate who we are, we can “be” to people.

This way, the love of God which has been shed abroad in our hearts is manifest and expressed through us first before it reaches others.

You Are Never Alone


Every man has a purpose in life. Ours is to help people discover, rediscover and fulfill their purpose. We believe that the young generation are the building blocks and foundation of the next new thing the world is about to experience.

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