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Stop | DeAltar

Stop By Eddy Ben Ben

Vision, Aspiration, Goals, To do list, all this are beautiful but the problem is that a lot of us STOP there!

S- Sluggishness

T- Threads of the Past

O- mind Obstacles

P- Procrastination

A lot of us have looped our live on “I Will” which is obviously a limitation to the real you should be or should I say “Will” be (smiles)…

The stories of you saying your past; your past is beginning to annoy the universe because the Universe knows who and what you are but you’re so blinded your past. Trust me no book is judged by its cover.

I know it hurts I know the pain of memories. I can relate because I’ve been there. Yeah I lived in Probability instead of possibilities of God gifts that is embedded in I’M which is fully spelled, I AM which is the Great I AM living inside of me which I couldn’t see. Now I ask myself why I was so blind??? Fear of the unknown???

So, brace up, you take that bull by the horn look at yourself in the mirror and say to yourself, I’m what I say I am through Christ Jesus, not what they say about me. In fact from now you care less of what they say because, you know you’re on mission to fulfil this vision. It is time to start counting your goals and success; believe me you are Unlimited. Right now, put your knees to the ground in doing so, you are standing in heaven. Now that you have created a connection, ask him for strategies on how to accomplish these goals of yours.

Trust me you don’t know who is looking out for you and you don’t know is looking up to you. My question; DO YOU WANT TO LET THEM DOWN?

I love criticism for the fact that it is a stepping stone. No successful man or woman today always had their times and are still having them. The beauty about this is that they use to create an avenue for the level….

Right now, you! yes you reading this; stand up and make a move stagnancy is not you because the world is waiting for your innovative and creative ideas. I am waiting too.

God bless you all

You Are Never Alone

Eddy Ben Ben

Every man has a purpose in life. Ours is to help people discover, rediscover and fulfill their purpose. We believe that the young generation are the building blocks and foundation of the next new thing the world is about to experience.

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