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Love like no other | DeAltar

Love Like No Other

I have often wondered – and still wonder – why despite my failings, there is always a way back up. I wonder why, regardless of how far I go (astray), there is still someone after me. Whose eyes are stayed on me, whose lips constantly call out to me to return.

The type of Love that I have been accustomed to is usually conditional and dependent on circumstance. No matter how much your bestie loves you, there is always that point where a line is crossed and things can never be the same again. Not because, they don’t “feel love” or that affection, but they just stop trying and let you be. Well, that is the humanly wise thing to do and of course he or she is trying to protect himself or herself.

However, this is where this unique love makes the difference. One important thing to note about Love is that, it is not a feeling or an emotion. It is an expression, an active expression. It is not blind as many claim, rather it is blessed with even better sight because, it sees the best outcome no one else sees.

As humans, we can be pushed to the point where we give up; parents give up on children, children give up on parents, best friends give up on each other, spouses give up on each other, employers give up on employees and so on. At some point in your journey, you must have experienced some of these. However, there is that love that never gives up regardless of the condition or circumstance, there is that love that keeps chasing after you and when you realize your mistakes and return, He receives you back with a smile that just weakens you. Lol… what I mean is that, you just can’t imagine that such exists. It is Love like no other.

Love like no other; Love so beautiful and selfless; Love that is timeless, unending and never dies. I have also thought that it seems too good to be true, but I have experienced it, so I know it is real. This love covers multitude of sins, flaws, mistakes and weaknesses. This same love casts out fear. It is not a feeling or an emotion. It is an expression; it is a person. This Love is God and He is like no other.

You Are Never Alone

Every man has a purpose in life. Ours is to help people discover, rediscover and fulfill their purpose. We believe that the young generation are the building blocks and foundation of the next new thing the world is about to experience.

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