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Keep Calm and Praise

Keep Calm and Praise

There are times things just do not make any sense. Times when you expect things to work and you do not understand why nothing seems to work. You try to find answers but they appear out of reach.

Recently, I have been going through stuffs that were overwhelming. I really just wanted to give up. I could not understand why these things were happening. I started asking questions, questioning my very self. Nothing just seemed to be interested in working for me. Disappointments all round, making me really depressed. No matter how much I sought for a solution, it always seemed to be on another planet I could never reach regardless of the lifetimes I am given.

At a point, I asked though conclusively if I had failed? I already felt like a failure. Then I heard God’s voice through all these; “You are a failure if you give up”. I was stunned. Here I was thinking I could not handle this any longer, it was just too much for me and here He was saying that my failure is dependent on my giving up. Haven’t I failed already? Or have I?

“For we know in part and we prophecy in part. But when that which is perfect has come, then that which is part will be done away.”

Through all of these, I have learned, and I am still learning.

He is just amazing… Isn’t He? I have been using the word “amazing” very frequently of late. And the truth is, it is just amazing how little we see when faced with storms and challenges. It is even much more amazing that God is always right there in the middle of the storm smiling at us, asking us to take His hands and allow Him lead us.

Praising God does not make any sense when faced with really violent storms. Lol… Where would we even find the voice? Or so we think. But Praise is the best way to see God through those storms, telling Him that you trust Him.

It is so amazing He said, when we go through the waters, He will be there to prevent it from swallowing us; when we go through fire, He will be there to make sure it never consumes us.

It is amazing that I have a God that is bigger than any storm life can throw at me.

You know what I do?

I just keep calm and Praise God

I keep calm and shout Hallelujah…

You Are Never Alone

Every man has a purpose in life. Ours is to help people discover, rediscover and fulfill their purpose. We believe that the young generation are the building blocks and foundation of the next new thing the world is about to experience.

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