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What do you see - DeAltar

What Do You See?

What do you see?

Imagine walking in a really dark room and then someone asks you; what do you see? Crazy right? What am I supposed to see in a dark room?

The answer actually is nothing. It’s dark and you really can’t see anything or can you?

Putting this more in perspective; when faced with a deadly storm that looks like it could kill you? What do you see? Yet again, sounds crazy; what else am I supposed to see asides this raging storm that could claim my life?

Good, at least you saw something this time (winks). Well, let’s go back to the first illustration; what do you see in a dark room? #thinkingmode.

Here is my perspective; you don’t see nothing, you see darkness. Only if darkness is nothing would you say you saw nothing. Now does that mean you could have seen something else beyond the darkness? Hmmmmm…

A lot of us have limited ourselves largely due to what we see. You may never know light in the darkness if you do not see it; and you may never know Peace in the storm if you do not see it. Now I ask again; what do you see?

When faced with turbulent storms, raging winds that look desperate in search for what to destroy; what do you see?

Some young men were traveling by boat to a nearby community. They probably had not gotten too far when a dangerous storm started. It ravaged their boat, they probably thought they would sink right there. Then in the midst of all these chaos and turbulence, the roaring thunder and piercing lightening, they saw someone walking towards them. Suddenly, the storm didn’t matter anymore (it probably started feeling jealous. Lol), it was probably clamoring for attention, increasing its fierceness. But they saw Someone.

One of them was daring enough to walk through this same storm to meet this Man walking towards them; the storm realizing this, threw all it had at this daring young man who would have eventually drowned but then again, he saw Him and that was it.

I am pretty sure you must have figured this story out but don’t miss out the important points in this story; the storm did not cease immediately they saw Him; in fact, I think it raged more increasing in violence and intensity. But they didn’t cease seeing Him and that was all that mattered. You know who He is? He is the Prince of Peace.

Now I ask again; what do you see?

I know it is raging so bad you can’t even open your eyes but you don’t have to open your eyes before you can see. Your natural sight will show you the present challenges, your inner eyes will show you that there is a way out of it; which would you rather use?

Even when you are in the eye of the storm where there seems to be no other way out; What do you see?

I see Peace;

I see Jesus.

You Are Never Alone.

Every man has a purpose in life. Ours is to help people discover, rediscover and fulfill their purpose. We believe that the young generation are the building blocks and foundation of the next new thing the world is about to experience.

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