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My Love Story - DeAltar

My Love Story

My Love Story

Let me tell you an incredible love story

I’m so excited it’s my story

It’s about someone who loves me very very much

The love he has for me is limitless,totally unconditional and immeasureable

I got to know more about it through a letter he inspired someone to write for the Romans years back


So here’s the thing

Before I even existed at all, He loved me (you’re like what?! But it’s true)

He already knew me before I was even born

He planned my life and called me( I’m blushing )

Many years back,my forefather did something very bad that brought a curse upon us all

Remember I wasn’t even involved in this sin o but I was a part of it

And for every sin the ultimate consequence is death

He couldn’t bear to see me suffer as his love is so great

So he had to come down to earth and SACRIFICED a part of HIMSELF for me

Dying so he could fulfill that law and I could be ETERNALLY SAVED and justified


When He went back though, he didn’t leave me by myself

He gave me another part of Him to live in me ( his very own Spirit! )

Now through this Spirit, I also partook in that death in a way and now I’m dead to sin

I have victory over sickness,sin,death and even that jealous adversary the Devil

He already made a show of him and disgraced him openly (LOL)

And now I am more than a conqueror through him that loved me

And nothing, I repeat NOTHING whatsoever can separate me from this love


Having being exposed to this supernatural love

Do you think I would actually be able to hate or resent?

After all I didn’t do anything neither did I deserve it yet He loves me this way

His love is shed abroad in my heart through his Spirit,I’ve got more than enough to dish out!

Hence I choose to love too

I choose love over hate

I choose love over self (he’s been thinking of me the whole time)

I choose love over anger ( I have complete peace with him,he is NEVER angry with me)

I choose love over unforgiveness ( he’s forgiven me already of every wrong doing)


You want to be able to boast of a love story such as this?

The truth is you’ve got it already and just have to accept his sacrifice for you, that’s all

Then you can live to please him ( through that special part of him he left for us)

He actually loves you just as much as he loves me too ( no need for jealousy )*winks*

God is love

It’s love over everything people!


You Are Never Alone

Every man has a purpose in life. Ours is to help people discover, rediscover and fulfill their purpose. We believe that the young generation are the building blocks and foundation of the next new thing the world is about to experience.

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