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The Real Me

It has been a really interesting year so far; starting with the month of January where we discussed A New Me; which was followed by A Selfless Me in the month of February. The month of March promises to be another exciting month full of insight and great resources to inspire and positively influence your life.

This month, we will be sharing on, The Real me… Hmmmmm…

We’ve all been made uniquely by God. He has made everyone different from each other. It’s just so sad that many of us live our lives trying to be like another person. We try to copy the way they walk, talk, eat and so on. We try to be like the celebrities we see on TV. We live our lives trying to measure up to the standard people or society has placed. When we do these, we make that unique seed that God has planted in us dormant. We begin to live in a shadow of ourselves.

You are unique in your own way. What you have great interest in could be boring to other people. That doesn’t mean you have to block out your interest for them, when you do that you will not live a fulfilled life. There’s something God has created you to do, others don’t have to understand how you do what you do. You must learn to live a genuine life that allows you to perform the life’s task you’ve been gifted to do. To copy someone else’s gift to perform your life’s task won’t make you authentic.

Although, exposure to others who are good at what they do can be highly motivating and instructional; it helps us understand the manifestation of our own gifts. It can help us set goals of excellence high for ourselves. But there must be a point where we connect to our own authentic expression of talent.

Becoming the real you can be very frightening, what if other people don’t approve of the real you? What if they criticize or make fun of who you really are? That’s very painful to consider, especially when disapproval or criticism comes from the people who mean the most to you. You have to be brave to those negative reactions, comments, criticisms and complaints that may arise from being the real you. You don’t have to live your life based on the approval of others but self-approval and God’s approval.

Discover what God has placed inside you, work towards expressing it to the world and to the Glory of God and you’ll be outstanding. Stay blessed.

You are never alone.

Every man has a purpose in life. Ours is to help people discover, rediscover and fulfill their purpose. We believe that the young generation are the building blocks and foundation of the next new thing the world is about to experience.

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