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Be Intentional

Growing up in a Christian home, my parents would wake me up by 5:00 am in the morning for a family devotion. There was never a day that we didn’t observe it so it soon became a routine to me. I never really understood what was going on, I just kept on observing it every day. I made sure I never missed it even when I traveled on a vacation or when I wasn’t with my family.

In fact, if I woke up late for a Sunday morning church service or for an early morning class during the week, I’d prefer to run late than miss the one hour morning devotion. This kept on happening until like two months ago when I decided to do a check up on myself and see how much progress I’d made in pursuing God. Then I realized that I had just been observing this ‘daily routine’ without even knowing what it meant.

It is meant to be like a quiet time to seek God, a time to reference God and give your day to Him before even doing anything. A lot of people wake up in the morning and they forget to thank God for the gift of life. Some people would rather pick up their phones or toothbrushes first. It’s pretty much not a good thing to do.

The early morning devotion is not just a routine, it’s a time to honor God because you love Him. It’s a time to meditate on God’s Word and it helps you to ponder on it during the rest of the day, this helps you grow. Seeking God goes beyond just praying and reading your Bible, you have to be more intentional about it. You have to be determined, disciplined and focused.

Every time you study the word of God, trust me, the devil is always there to steal the knowledge from you but as I always say, you have a choice to resist the devil and when you do, he’ll flee. You need to know what you want and go for it even if it means that you should sacrifice a lot of things. Sitting at the feet of the Lord and seeking Him daily helps you to unravel mysteries and not only that, it helps you see beyond natural.

It takes discipline and God’s help to be consistent, it’s not something we can do on our own; we have to seek the help of God by praying. Prayer is a very important weapon to grow as a Christian, prayer is more than just closing your eyes and saying what you want God to do for you, as a matter of fact, it’s talking with God just like you can talk to a very close friend. Even as young people, this is the time to seek God just as the Bible says that those who seek God early find Him early (Proverbs 8:17).

Training ourselves is also very important, in as much as we’re been pushed by our leaders, we should also push ourselves. We should train ourselves to be great young people. We should do all these because we love God not because we want people to see how righteous we are. Many people want to see changes and growth but they are not making efforts. You make the change you to see!!!

You Are Never Alone

Every man has a purpose in life. Ours is to help people discover, rediscover and fulfill their purpose. We believe that the young generation are the building blocks and foundation of the next new thing the world is about to experience.

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