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selflessness - somebody needs your love

Selflessness – Somebody Needs Your Love


Helping those in need is not just about giving money or alms to them, it goes far beyond that. Though it is a kind gesture to do so, sometimes, it just might not be the primary solution to their needs. There are times you may not even have anything tangible to give, but you can still express love and kindness just by;

1) Listening (James1:19):

Dedicate your time to listening to people. Just as God hears, when you call on Him, He expects you to listen to the cry of people around you that are hurting.

2) Smiling:

Love smiles. A little smile can warm a cold heart. Sometimes, you just need to put a smile on your face to spark up the light of hope in a hopeless soul. Learn to always put on a smile wherever you go there’s someone out there that needs to see that smile. It can save a life and it can restore hope. Reach out to this dying world with your smile.

3) Interceding:

Love intercedes. Showing Godly love and concern to those in need moves you to pray for them and with them. It is sad that many times we promise someone “I’ll be praying for you” but we never keep our promises. Love seeks God’s intervention in the lives of others. It pleads for God’s mercy on their behalf (Ephesians6:18).

4) Encouraging:

Love encourages others. Love doesn’t flatter rather, it encourages. Biblical encouragement keeps the person in need focused on God to meet his/her needs. It helps him/her to believe, claim and appropriate the promises of God for his/her needs (1Thessalonians5:11).

5) Visiting:

Love above all visits. Visitation goes a long way to give hope and strength to the aged, sick, bereaved, downcast, destitute, downtrodden and the spiritually weak and feeble-minded. Constant visits to those people may be worth more to them than you can imagine. It is a great sacrifice of love when you make out time from your busy schedule to visit somebody (James1:27).

It takes a selfless person to achieve all these. This act distinguishes us from the world as Christians. That is why Jesus says, “By this shall all men know that you are my disciples if you have love one to another” (John13:35). Let us therefore cultivate these acts of love by being selfless. Somebody is in need of our love. Stay blessed.

You are never alone.

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