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In that moment of utmost despair and desperation, when the suffocating presence of loneliness encompasses me about, choking out joy and hope and leaving me lost in the dark vast ocean of desolation with nothing but the Waters of agony…

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Hey Me…

Hey me, Listen! Remember our special song of how special we are? Our dream of how great we will be? How we burned with passion in anticipation of the future? How the world would be blown away by the distinctions…

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perfect love

You Deserve Perfect Love

You deserve perfect Love Yes you deserve perfect love So you have a past that is messed up and full of deserve perfect love You are angry at yourself for mistakes you deserve perfect love You are the…

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Will you be my Val?

I hope I am not too late with my request? Lol... you've probably been taken or luckily for me, you are still free... #winks. A Valentine is someone (a sweetheart actually) who receives a token of affection on Valentine's day. While…

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Ignite - DeAltar


My favorite melody My perfect harmony The songs of hearts Time of ceaseless amazement The assurance of perfection The expression of sacrifice The person of God Love. It's the season, not just today but every day. Every day for love...…

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perfect love

Perfect Love

Does perfect love exist? Can anything be referred to as perfect? Or does perfection exist? These are some of the questions brooding through my mind as I engage myself in this month's theme. First of all, we should talk about…

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Unashamed | DeAltar


If I'm still alive, it's because God made the provision.... A lesson from the past Many years, I lived in guilt, shame, bitterness. I felt less and many times life seemed worthless. I took solos in my head on perfect…

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