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Will you be my Val?

I hope I am not too late with my request? Lol… you’ve probably been taken or luckily for me, you are still free… #winks.
A Valentine is someone (a sweetheart actually) who receives a token of affection on Valentine’s day. While Valentine’s day, sometimes referred to as Lover’s day, is one of the most anticipated non-holiday date where people – at least for once in a while year – go out of their way to get something special for that person they love in memory of St. Valentine.
Well, I have heard and read quite a number of varying stories about the man St. Valentine and the history of Valentine’s day. One this is common though in all the versions; someone had to pay the ultimate price in order to give the perfect gift, Love.
Greater love hath no man than this, that he should lay his life for his friends.
So, one question you should ask your valentine is this; would you give your life for me?
Please note; I didn’t ask if he or she would die for you; Love does not take, it gives. It would only cost you so much. This is why it is called a sacrifice.
Pretty sure you must have picked out a few gifts, cakes, roses coupled with the romantic words you probably borrowed from Google, which is really cool actually. But I would like you to also understand that;
  1. Love is not restricted, it is shed abroad.
  2. Love Is not limited to your boo or bae, it should reach out to more people
  3. Love is not expressed on One day, it is how we ought to live our lives on a daily basis
  4. Love is not lust; it takes you beyond your desires in order to meet someone else’s desire
  5. Love goes beyond physical gifts. It is deeper than what is seen.
  6. Love is true.
  7. Love is God.
Happy Love Life… #winks
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