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Where is God in All These

Where is God in All These


I had a pretty amazing weekend, I forgot all about writing you a letter. Wonderfully well, it popped in my mind sometime last night, and I hopped on here to write to you.

This one is rather personal. For many months, my life has taken an unexpected turn. A rather difficult, scary, and painful path. Almost every day is a struggle, but God comes through with loads of strength. I’m super thankful.

Nevertheless, I struggle to rationalize the reasons for certain occurrences, especially cos God doesn’t always rush in to explain what He’s doing. Hence, I’ve had endless questions, and this particular one has endured longest—where is God in all this?

Before you draw a conclusion, you can be sure that I know and believe God when He says He’ll never leave nor forsake me. I’m well aware of His love, and wonderful plans for my life.

Needless to say that this knowledge dispels the dark spirits of discouragement, doubt, disappointment with God. However, days when it appears as though all the progress I’m making on my healing journey is a mirage, doubt comes racing, starting with simple yet daunting questions.

But I particularly love how I’m reminded almost by every and anything of God’s love, faithfulness, presence, consistency.. And perhaps there are areas in your life where you sometimes can’t help certain doubt-inciting questions; “How can I trust a God who would permit cancer to take my mother? Or wondering “Where could God be while my little child suffers this awful illness?” Or asking “How could a good God allow my sister to be born with this horrible defect?” “If God is all-powerful and He knows everything, then why would He let such a terrible thing happen to me?” and an endless list of questions.

But Like I’ve been learning lately, I want you to know that though the adversary views suffering as his last great stronghold to defame the good character of God. Suffering as the last frontier he exploits to smear God’s trustworthiness. For us to settle with logic, feel victimized by God, and walk out on Him because of inconsistent and painful processes.

However, it can drive you to a nearer, more intimate place of fellowship with Jesus. Where though the more intense the pain, the closer His embrace. You can trust and rest assured God is not confused as to what to do, and whatever the process is with God, the end is always good.

Here is a revelation that’ll help the wild thoughts of your mind, like they do mine.

“Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known” (1 Corinthians 13:12)” Safe to say it won’t be easy, it will defy reasoning, making no sense. Yet, the Lord can be trusted. I plead with you to not bail out before the pieces fit. For surely, they will.

So “Be still, and know that I am God (Psalm 46:10).”

Every man has a purpose in life. Ours is to help people discover, rediscover and fulfill their purpose. We believe that the young generation are the building blocks and foundation of the next new thing the world is about to experience.

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