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Intentional Friendship

Intentional Friendship

A Better Friend
1. Why Some Friendships Last Longer Than Others
2. A Good Friend
3. Intentional Friendship

A few years ago, I saw a tweet which said: “Turn off your data, do you still have any friend?”

At the time I saw this tweet, my answer was no. This was because as vibrant as I am, I wasn’t intentional about building solid relationships. Asides the regular comments or chats via social media, I wasn’t particularly interested in any of my “friends”.

My phone could go for days without ringing, and if it was to ring, it would either be my parents or siblings calling. This was solely because I never called anyone either. So, I made the decision to develop a working relationship with my friends.

This wasn’t easy, because as simple as it looks or sounds, it requires a large dose of consistency, which (in my dictionary) is synonymous to hard work.

Friendship, like a flower, is a beautiful thing, but it can’t bloom if it’s not nurtured, pruned and taken care of.

Just as a mouth-watering meal is spiced and cooked to perfection, the same focus and intentionality apply to friendship.

Do you feel like your friends don’t give you enough attention?

Or perhaps they don’t check on you often?

It is probably because you haven’t sown the seed, so you can’t reap the fruits.

Check on a friend today, place a call through, send a text, or go the extra mile by sending a gift and watch the change happen.

Every man has a purpose in life. Ours is to help people discover, rediscover and fulfill their purpose. We believe that the young generation are the building blocks and foundation of the next new thing the world is about to experience.

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