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6 Ways To Work Effectively From Home

6 Ways To Work Effectively From Home

1. 7 Fun Things To Do While Practicing Social Distancing
2. 6 Ways To Work Effectively From Home
3. COVID-19: Peace In The Storm

As much as working from home seems like a luxury, it has its own perks too; there’s no peer pressure, no commute time yet you can make the most of it when you approach it intentionally.

However, working from home has its downside. There are lots of distractions at home; from disturbances from family members to waking up late (you are not going out anyways right?), to procrastination (the false perception that you have all day).

In short, working from home requires a lot of discipline. Perhaps more discipline than is required in an actual work setting.

Working from home requires a lot of discipline. Perhaps more discipline than is required in an actual work setting. Share on X

So, how can you ensure that you are just as effective working from home as you are working from the office?

How can you ensure that you do not miss deadlines and you do not submit error-filled tasks?

Keep a regular routine:

When working from home, you should approach work like you would when you are at the office. Work is not just a place, it is a mindset. So, you should always wake up with a work mindset.

First things first, perform the head-clearing morning ritual to become fully awake and ready for work.

Get out of bed, drink coffee (if you like), shower, get dressed (no official wear is necessary).

Work is not just a place, it is a mindset. So, you should always wake up with a work mindset. Share on X

Get started early:

After you are fully awake and prepared, how about you dive into work early? By simply getting started early, you’d set a tone for the rest of the day to play out in. A productive one! Don’t make the mistake of thinking that you still have time. That could be the beginning of the end of your day.

By simply getting started early, you’d set a tone for the rest of the day to play out in. Share on X

Create a workspace at home:

It certainly is very tempting to stay in bed or on the sofa but you’d be spurred to work in an actual work setting, with a table and a chair. Having a workspace also reinforces your mind that you are actually at work. Don’t forget, work is a mindset.

Having a workspace also reinforces your mind that you are actually at work. Share on X

Structure your day like you would in the office:

It is very easy to get off track when you work from home since you are your own personal manager. With a lot of things that can interfere in and break up your day, you would need to make use of tools such as To-do lists, Calendars and sticky notes. You may decide to use just one or combine all of them. These tools will help you create a plan for your day with timelines and deadlines, and also make you accountable for how you spend your day.

With a lot of things that can interfere in and break up your day, you would need to make use of tools such as To-do lists, Calendars and sticky notes. Share on X

Create a to-do list:

Compile a checklist of the things you need to get done and you could set timelines and time frames in order to be more accountable. This will effectively help you track your progress, and commit to an agenda that outlines your assignment.

Take breaks:

Go on actual breaks. Take a walk, gist with someone; could be a family member or even a video or voice call with a friend, do some exercise, listen to some music, take a nap, and do not abuse your break.

Truth be told, it is much harder than it seems to actually work from home, but you can make it work if you are determined to make it work. You might not get it all right immediately, but with persistence and consistency, you will eventually make it work.

Also take note that what we are experiencing right now is a glimpse into the future, where the mode of work will be so much different compared to what we have presently. In essence, this period could be helping you prepare for what work will look like in the future.

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