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31 Days With The Anchor - Day 21

31 Days With The Anchor – Day 21

Topic: In Consciousness of the Anchor- My Experience with the Anchor


For God has not given you the spirit of fear but of love, of power and a sound mind.

2Timothy 1:7

This isn’t quite the story of my life but it is. I have given up on quite a lot of things because of how much I let the feeling of fear invade my heart.

It’s so clear to me now why I have to go through a process I have been through before. Wonderfully well, these processes are ones in which I had given my all, processes where I had done well through, yet unlike others, I have to go through the process all over.

First, it hurts terribly why the story is different for me. And when I try to make up my mind to try again anyway.. fear comes.

Before me appears so many “what ifs…”

I doubt the reason in the first place and watch fear come in batches much more than the previous.

Fear of the future, fear of failure, fear of being exposed(imposter syndrome), fear of losing friends, fear of solitude that comes with making the right decision, fear of the unknown….

It is just too real how fear paralyzes and steals our dreams, the reason, the goal with the sting of doubt and fills us with burdens of doubts and anxiety and worry.

Each time I get overwhelmed I find the truth, The word of God where God speaks a lot to His children not to allow the spirit of fear and for every time He says it, He gives a reason. The most reason why we run, the most reason why we worry, the most reason why we withdraw, the most reason why we let go because we think we are suffering alone; we are going through it all alone; we are facing whatever alone. But God gives a resounding and encompassing assurance- ” For I am with you”.

And I wonder how many times we have backed down in fear even from decisions that we need to make so we don’t lose friends, from the ideas we need to employ because we are not very certain and we fear the risks involved, from the relationship that is right because we feel very insecure or we fear the responsibility of commitment, from the dreams we have written down and visualized because of the breaking processes that may come with living those dreams and so many other things.

And The Anchor is saying to you as He says to me(through His word, through family, through friends, in gatherings) that every time the spirit of fear comes to you, do not give in to it, look to me, look at me, live in consciousness of me, for I am not moving an inch, I am with you, never leaving, never forsaking, through the fire, through the water, through the pain, through the pressure, I am right here with you!

Task of the day:

Henceforth, remind yourself that fear isn’t a gift God gave you and consciously embrace His gifts- love, power and a sound mind and be a living reminder of this testimony to everyone around you.


Victoria Nwachukwu

Every man has a purpose in life. Ours is to help people discover, rediscover and fulfill their purpose. We believe that the young generation are the building blocks and foundation of the next new thing the world is about to experience.

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