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#31DaysWithTheAnchor – Day 10

Topic: Building a relationship with the Anchor


Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.

Revelations 3:20

It’s important that we have a good and working relationship with the Anchor. Why you may ask, take for instance you have a friend who checks up on you daily, one who calls you all the time, and another who only calls you only when they are in need.

Then someday they both need the same thing but you can only help one person, of course, we would all help the one we are so close to.

If this is not clear enough, imagine two of your siblings need your assistance, and one is an extremely grateful person while the other has “thanking issues” LOL. We would naturally help the grateful sibling and keep the other’s request to a more convenient time.

Don’t get me wrong, God has the capacity to help everyone at once. He is the supreme God. I don’t want to believe God plays favorite but if we were created in His image, I’m guessing He has emotions too.

Imagine how He would feel when He knows the only reason while you said a prayer this morning is because of what you need to get from Him. He’ll be heartbroken. If you are the type who talks to God only when you are in need, then this has to stop.

Imagine that captain of the ship doesn’t have an anchor cause the sea is calm, only for him to set out and a storm hits. Permit me to say “he would be finding for the anchor up and down”.

Build a relationship with the Anchor, a working relationship.

Know the Anchor, know the Anchor, know the Anchor.

Remember you are never alone

Task: Have fellowship with God on a daily basis. Read at least a chapter of the Bible every day.

Every man has a purpose in life. Ours is to help people discover, rediscover and fulfill their purpose. We believe that the young generation are the building blocks and foundation of the next new thing the world is about to experience.

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