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#31DaysWithTheAnchor - Day 3

#31DaysWithTheAnchor – Day 3

Topic: Follow The Anchor – Part 2


So you have not received a spirit that makes you fearful slaves. Instead, you received God’s Spirit when he adopted you as his own children. Now we call him, “Abba, Father.”

Romans 8:15 (NLT)

In the last part, we talked about trust and why it is important to learn to trust The Anchor, even when it does not make any sense. Talking about trust, is it possible to trust someone you do not know?

One of our writers asked recently, “what is The Anchor that we have been talking about since January?”

This made me realize that it is possible to say so much about trust but the people you are reaching out to do not exactly know who they are being asked to trust.

One of the reasons for this series was borne out of the fact that, while we talked so much about trusting the anchor for large periods of this year on DeAltar, we got to realize that we had not expressly talked about the person we were asking our audience to trust. We had not exactly and in details talked about who The Anchor is.

Remember Father Abraham? Can you imagine someone telling you to leave where you are and all that you have, to go to a place you have no idea if it exists or not? It would take a really foolish person to do this right?

Well, a lot of times, foolishness is what you need to trust completely. Men see it as the foolishness of the highest order but it is great wisdom with God. Abraham did not just trust blindly and foolishly. This is because, before God gave that instruction, He had to introduce Himself to Abraham. For Abraham to trust God’s word, He had to know the person whose voice he had to follow.

So, let’s introduce The Anchor:

Abba (Father): This is one of the most important personalities everyone should know and understand about The Anchor.

Jesus said in John 10:10;

The thief cometh not but to steal, to kill and to destroy. But I have come that you may have life in abundance.

Fathers and Mothers are seen as the origin of any new generation. This is because they give life to the new offspring. In the case where there is only one parent, that parent can be rightly called the origin or source of life for the new offspring.

So, when God made man, He created a set of people He could relate with as a Father to His children. He made people like Him that would understand His voice, know His ways and have an intimate relationship with Him.

Even when man fell, God was still going all out for man, at various points, calling him to come back home. Because, away from your Father, you can lose your direction, you are defenseless and you are likely to fall prey to predators.

When Jesus was teaching His disciples how to pray, He started by saying; Our Father, who art in Heaven…

This shows us two things;

  1. The best form of communication between you and The Anchor (who is also your Father) is prayer.

Philippians 4:6 says;

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.

So, when you seem to be in a hopeless situation, being scared is not the solution, giving up is not a way out, blaming everything is not what you should be thinking about. Instead, pray. Even when you have no words, in your silent tears, you can tell Him how you feel and what you need. Prayer is not just talking. It is acknowledging that you have a Father who is listening to you.

  1. The second is brought out from the first; We have a Father in Heaven who is listening to us. (smiles)
    Have you ever been at certain points where you are screaming so hard but all you can hear is your voice screaming back at you? (Lol). Most of us have been there before. If you haven’t, congrats to you (winks).

However, do you know that every scream you make, every cry you pour out, every tear that drops can be heard by the Father?

So why doesn’t he say anything or answer me?

Many times we scream so hard, we cannot hear anything else but our voices. So, when He answers, His words are lost in your screaming.

So what do I do?

Stop screaming as if no one is listening. Scream because you know He is listening and wait for His response.

How do I listen or hear His voice?

Listen with your heart, not your ears. Listen with the Word of God, because He always speaks through His Word, the Bible.

In the next part, I will be talking about another personality trait of The Anchor. Don’t miss it.

Task for the day:

Spend 30mins today talking to your Father who is in Heaven. Talk about your fears and worries. Talk to Him like He is right there listening (cos He is). When you are done talking, let Him talk and write down what He says. Make sure you have your bible with you as well. He speaks through His word.

Please share your experience in the comments section.

Every man has a purpose in life. Ours is to help people discover, rediscover and fulfill their purpose. We believe that the young generation are the building blocks and foundation of the next new thing the world is about to experience.

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