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#31DaysWithTheAnchor - Day 2

#31DaysWithTheAnchor – Day 2

Topic: Following The Anchor – Part 1


For all who are allowing themselves to be led by the Spirit of God are sons of God.  

Romans 8:12 (AMP)

In the first part of this series, we talked related the Anchor to a driver who controls movement, speed, and direction.

For the next couple of days, we will be dwelling more on following The Anchor, which is quite important. Imagine having a situation where the driver is at odds with his passenger about direction, it simply leads to confusion, unnecessary delay and possibly failure to reach your destination.

Growing up in Lagos has been a bundle of experiences. One of the most intriguing of these experiences is usually in public transport vehicles. It is usually amazing how the driver and his passengers often argue about direction, the best or fastest route.

I had to conclude that even when they have the best intentions, the drivers are always going to receive the blame for any negative outcome in any route he chooses. Sometimes, he chooses to please his passengers and ends up getting stuck and the same people who he was trying to please will come at him with all sorts of blames and accusations.

This sounds just like the children of Israel who cried out for help while in Egypt. They got their freedom, being led by God through Moses. He led them through the way that was best for them, helping them avoid wars they were not ready to face. However, whenever they got stuck, they blamed God and Moses. They even said it would have been better if they remained in the land of captivity than come so far into the desert. Whenever I think of this, I am like, were you not the ones crying out for freedom for decades? Now, you have experienced freedom and you are regretting it?

Unlike the regular transport drivers who sometimes (no disrespect) are just as confused as to where to go and how to reach their destination, The Anchor who is our Chief Life Driver knows the end from the beginning, sees from a distance what is ahead and knows how best to avoid things that would cause unnecessary delays or failure to get to our destination.

Often times, just like the regular bus passengers, we like to show that we know better. We should be the ones giving direction, some would not even mind taking over the wheels. Wise King Solomon warns us about this; “there is a way that seems right unto a man but the end thereof is destruction”.

In one of my favorite old-time songs, Carrie Underwood expresses the whole point I am trying to make here.

Jesus take the wheels, take it from my hands
Cos i can’t do this on my own

Believe it or not, you cannot reach your destination without the supernatural abilities of The Anchor. Why? It’s simple. He knows what you do not know, He sees what you cannot see, His ears can pick the slightest sounds that are inaudible to the human ears, and his senses are super sharp. He knows what will happen long before it happens.

So, you need to learn to trust Him and let Him lead you. Even when it does not seem like where you want to be right now, you should know that as long as He is the one leading you, you are on the right track.

Task for the day:

Take some time to study the differences between Israel’s approach to following God and Abraham’s approach and relate it to your life.

(You can share your findings in the comment section)

Every man has a purpose in life. Ours is to help people discover, rediscover and fulfill their purpose. We believe that the young generation are the building blocks and foundation of the next new thing the world is about to experience.

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