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Mothers Vs Fathers

It’s high time we struck the balance on parenting. Mothers are no doubt amazing but fathers are just as wonderful.
I believe that fathers have their share of sacrifice and quota of love and their indispensable contribution to the family and all of these makes them deserving of accolades.

Research proves the crucial roles of fathers just as much as mothers but in reality, society sings so much praise of mothers and neglect fathers.

Fathers are becoming less involved because they have grown in a society that barely celebrates their value. So with the pain of missing out on their children’s tiny development, they still stand up to responsibility’s call and go out to work regardless.

Children are also forgetting to appreciate their fathers as they should because they grow to find only mothers in the spotlight and they believe that is the trend they should follow, however, research shows that involved fathers play crucial roles in a child’s all-round development.

So at no time should the roles of fathers be undermined. It’s about time the world began to celebrate fathers, it’s just about time society understands that mothers and fathers are partners in the business of parenting and it right about the time that children break free from society’s point of view and see fathers as they should and much more, appreciate them.

It’s that time that we strike the balance, mothers do great, fathers do great too but together they do greater!!

Written By Victoria Nwachukwu

Every man has a purpose in life. Ours is to help people discover, rediscover and fulfill their purpose. We believe that the young generation are the building blocks and foundation of the next new thing the world is about to experience.

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