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Hope By Ashley

Hope By Ashley


Have you ever been so sad, you begin to wonder if you ever gonna be alright, because you know now, that you feel better sad and you don’t know if you can ever relate to happiness again? Despite all this, your sadness goes extreme and then you think it’s time to put it to an end, then you come across the word HOPE and suddenly, you smile and forget about sadness and decide to hope against hope, even though you feel its impossible to be happy again.

It’s a belief that something you wish for will happen, you wish to be happy right? So why hold on to the negativity of the world, when you can hold on to Hope. When you Hope on something, you will work to achieving it. So why believe in sadness when you can wash it off with the hope of happiness you, will later get to receive.

It’s something you tend to hold onto for the rest of your life because when you hold onto it, you know that all you wish for will eventually happen.

It’s something you never want to lose, so you hold onto it forever, never lose HOPE


Every man has a purpose in life. Ours is to help people discover, rediscover and fulfill their purpose. We believe that the young generation are the building blocks and foundation of the next new thing the world is about to experience.

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