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Call to love

Call To Love

David O. Mears remind us: “It’s not always convenient to be good.

The Bible encourages us: “Do not be weary while doing good….”

Everyone has a story irrespective of the hierarchy of emotions and scars attached but most people especially those who terribly need to open up, so they can receive healing. Still they hold back with one question ringing in their minds- ‘If I stand naked, will you cover me?’

While some people could care less about being half naked on any other day, they are unable to bear the risk of intentionally stripping themselves bare before the world- opening up their Pandora box of secrets, the multitude of deeds that they comfortably perform in a closet or where no one else but same kinds are. They prefer to stand in cover-ups of being ‘bad’ or ‘good’

As David O. Mears reminds us, it is not always convenient to love as we should.

We have the calling to love everyone. To minister to the ones in our lives, just as we find them. Gently peeling away their nasty rags with the truth of Gods word, with the revelation of Abba’s love that we have experienced. Strip by strip, unwinding the lies that have shriveled their souls.

Having done all this not to leave them bare or to have a new story to talk about but to cover their nakedness with love and acceptance.

It would not be an easy process but love is patient, isn’t He?

Insults from the hurt ones might fly around but Love endures all things, doesn’t He?

Rejection and fear will persecute them and shield them from you but love bears all things, believes in redemption, hopes in salvation. Love never fails.

This is the kind of love we have been called to. A love where we are responsible for others. A love that bears the burdens of others. The kind of love that accepts and covers others just as Jesus did us.

Every man has a purpose in life. Ours is to help people discover, rediscover and fulfill their purpose. We believe that the young generation are the building blocks and foundation of the next new thing the world is about to experience.

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. How do we get to correct those that have learned the wrong way, because the church we have today will only love and accept you when they see change in you which may come as pretence because you want to feel accepted… To me love and acceptance precedes change

    1. The best way is to show it. We should not wait to see change before we show love and accept people. Jesus showed the perfect example; while we were sinners, He died for us. He didn’t wait for us to change before He poured out His love to us. This is how we should live too. Unconditional, boundless and redeeming Love. Love changes people.

  2. Going off the previous response from @DeAltar. I’d also say the best way to correct such is to show it. As much as we may like it too, the church is not perfect and also includes broken people hence the ideal way to change any wring mentality would be to emulate Christ and live like He’d want us to, live like we’d want others to.

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