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Unwanted Pregnancy

A child is a precious gift from God, so what happens when the gifting was not planned for, I mean when pregnancy was not in the books at all, what then?

How does one move from that? What’s the next point of action?

Unwanted pregnancies have always been a source of concern, but in the 21st century it seems more prevalent, you can hardly walk on the streets without seeing a young lady with a bulging stomach and wonder, how did you get here?

I visited an hospital late last year, a maternity hospital and saw a girl, that’s really how I can describe her, she had a small stature, but you could tell from her face that she was very young, she had just delivered a baby, not sure what sex, but that’s inconsequential, this young girl was a mother, just like many before her, she became saddled with the responsibility of caring for a child way before she was ready.

But I commend this young girl, despite her utter lack of preparation and funds, she had the baby, she carried to term and delivered safely, sadly, not many do this, and for this I say she is brave.

I want to believe that she realised that the misdeed had occurred and life doesn’t come to an halt as a result of that, I want to believe that she realised that God never stopped loving her despite this, I want to believe that she realised that her future and the child’s as well is secured in Christ, I want to believe that she chose to live and let the child also because she knew Christ paid the ultimate price for them, I want to believe that she realised that she was never alone, because with Christ You Are Never Alone (YANA).

This is the hope we have in Christ, He is with us every step of the way, call to him.

Written By: Sonayon

Every man has a purpose in life. Ours is to help people discover, rediscover and fulfill their purpose. We believe that the young generation are the building blocks and foundation of the next new thing the world is about to experience.

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