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Hidden Potentials - DeAltar

Your Hidden Potentials {Part 2}

In the previous part, we spoke about the importance of knowing ourselves. how much work it is going to take to unearth those hidden treasures you possess and how failure is just a learning experience and not the end of the road.

Let’s continue from where we stopped.

Who do you admire most?

If you are struggling to notice where your seeds of potential need to be sown, just look around you for people you admire and respect. If you admire someone who is compassionate or incredibly kind for instance, it is likely that you see something in them that is also in you.

You admire these people because of the value they offer, and are connected and drawn to these traits because it is exactly what you need in your evolution. Use these figures as role models for the person you can become. Be willing to have mentors to help guide and teach you on your path.

Select a biography to read to begin learning about the life of a role model, and contact one person who can be a mentor as you make your journey.

Transform pain into purpose

Life is all about overcoming adversity. In order to see our potential we must heal from our past pain. This is because our emotional pain shrouds our self-image in doubt and inadequacy.

When we make meaning from our past hurts we can see that pain has a purpose. Personal struggles can be a powerful source for uncovering our potential and purpose. Personal struggles help us be more honest with ourselves and how we are living, and to get in touch with a purpose beyond ourselves.

Think of all the people who have lost a loved one, or experienced a personal tragedy, only to create a foundation or become an advocate in support of this cause. We are given a desire in order to fulfill it.

This means that we are fully equipped to achieve this desire if we are willing to go for it and find the opportunities amidst the challenges.

My Connection

This is where I provide my personal connection to the ideas in the post. I hope you will join the conversation by leaving a comment, and offering your personal connection to these ideas as well.

I remember the day when I uncovered that my self-image didn’t have to be based on what people told me or the mistakes I had made. My past didn’t have to define who I was or determine the person I could become. This insight couldn’t have came at a better time in my life, because it was becoming very natural to hide behind a mask of being an overachiever, a nice-guy, and an intellect, all with the goal of protecting myself from harm and filling the void of my low self-worth.

As long as I kept up this facade I thought I could protect my ego from further pain. Unfortunately, this facade only delayed me from really working on myself . It blinded me from uncovering areas of needed change. When I learned my self-worth wasn’t based on what I had, what I did, or who I knew, I was able to see that I was a 10 and worthy of happiness and success despite what I did or what I had. As this happened my capacity for development expanded and what I viewed as possible grew.

“I didn’t have to prove myself to others and because of this was able to really accept my flaws and begin making true change. As I continue to transform myself, potential is becoming less about me, and more about what I can offer others and the world around me. We all have this potential for great things if we’re willing to lay the foundation and sow the seeds.” – John Maxwell

Every man has a purpose in life. Ours is to help people discover, rediscover and fulfill their purpose. We believe that the young generation are the building blocks and foundation of the next new thing the world is about to experience.

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