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The Survivors - DeAltar (6)

The Survivors; Arewa Evelyn Damilola Talabi (1)

The Survivors; Arewa Evelyn Damilola Talabi (1)

About Arewa Eva Talabi

I am a Content Creator and Writer. My news stories have been published on Business a.m, a business and financial online newspaper. I am also an Artist and a freelance Real Estate consultant. You can call me an Art and media Enthusiast. I am a Preacher. I don’t like to be called a motivational speaker because I don’t only motivate, I actually preach sound doctrine so I prefer that.

My Teen Age (10-14)

In my teen age, I spent more time with children, dressing them up, giving them tutorials after school. I love creativity (I have always been a creative person, I paint, I write short stories). So I made story books and jotters and gave to the children.

After school, I would gather them together and fix them something to eat. However, my parents weren’t so cool with it. I remember the pressure from them warning me to let go of the children and move with my mates and people in the same circle with me because they felt moving with the children was affecting my growth psychologically. I didn’t have time for other things asides tutoring children.

So I had to obey my parents and I left that. At that time, I didn’t understand much about God, yet I knew He had so much to do with me. I had some gifts I really didn’t recognize then. I just knew God had so much interest in me because I loved church activities, I loved to be around God’s people.

Every Sunday, I would get home, pick up my bible (a big brown bible), and begin to teach the whole house. Honestly, I never knew what I was doing, perhaps I was just imitating the Pastor in church. I didn’t understand what I was doing. I never knew that purpose was actually birthing itself but there was no understanding of purpose for me. I was so young then.

To a large extent, purpose actually reveals itself at a tender age but because there is no understanding yet, we don’t get to see it.  There was no one to interpret to me what was going on in my life. Then, I would go to the balcony of my house every night (I can never forget the experience), look to the sky, marvel at creation and then I would begin to cry profusely. I would just cry and cry and later, wipe my tears and go in to sleep. I didn’t understand what was happening to me, I thought I was crazy because it was like a routine for me then. I couldn’t tell what was making me cry but I felt like something within me needed to break forth. Still, I had no understanding and whenever I am caught crying, I would give an excuse (teenage emotional issues and all that to cover up).

I was active in my teenage church; I was an usher. I loved activities that were church related and being amongst my friends. I was a good moralist and I had a bit of “tom boy” spirit in me. I moved more with boys and at a time I almost had identity crisis due to the fact that I wanted to act like a boy. I loved sports, you know, anything that had to do with being a guy; having to fix electrical appliances, do all sorts, but I thank God because He took control and I had to accept my unique make as a woman.

To be continued…

Every man has a purpose in life. Ours is to help people discover, rediscover and fulfill their purpose. We believe that the young generation are the building blocks and foundation of the next new thing the world is about to experience.

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