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Beautiful You - DeAltar

Beautiful You By Victoria

Beautiful You

Ever felt the niggling fear of looking far-out? Devolving spurn. Not as good as you wishfully imagine. All of those ceaseless criticizing remarks that you subconsciously come up with while sizing up yourself in light of ‘popular others’. Your hopes and the disappointing “nopes”.

Distressing fear of being awfully different.  Trying your hardest to be like you imagine. Going way out of your lane to get yourself looking “all angelic” ‘like that could be any possible’ I sigh. “urgh!”you go, but hey, before you come at me, understand this. You obviously can’t be like the others. The ‘difference’ is what distinguishes you. Set greed aside and appreciate you. Take a look at this, You look just like You so You can’t be displaced where You were created to fit into. Don’t just nod your head but, quit living in a reverie, face reality and get living in it!

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“My reality is not how I want.” Now I ‘oops’ not in condemnation mind you, but in desire for a better response.

“I’ve got none of the stunning faces and striking bodies” you claim. So you think.

Permit me to remind you that God Himself made you, taking His time as He put every part of you together. Yes, He took His time. “how do you know this?” did I hear you smirk? [blockquote author=”” link=”” target=”_blank”]man and woman He made them in His own image[/blockquote] (Genesis 1: 27). Mind reading that again, just a bit slowly. Oh yeah! Now that strikes a chord. ‘In His own image’ just think in a moment how possible it is to create something in your image. “ohhh” you say. That is just how perfect God made you. Now you’d want to read this out loud [blockquote author=”” link=”” target=”_blank”]I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvelous are thy works, and that my soul knows very well[/blockquote] (Psalms 139: 14). Right, how did that feel? Heavenly! Most certainly.

[tweetshare tweet=”God Himself made you, taking His time as He put every part of you together.” username=”@dealtar_”]

Learn to appreciate yourself. But I tell you, it is hard to when you keep taking on a diet of comparison. Stop it, will you? You aren’t better looking than you are. Save yourself those unyielding efforts of hypocrisy. Mmm hmm…. An extra this and that, loosing modesty just to grab on attention. Slow down and listen, you don’t have to do anything special to get attention. Most importantly, compromising faith and bending principles to suit yourself. That’s quite easy and at most, self satisfying, but the result in becoming a frustrated victim sure isn’t cool.

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We get it all wrong when we reason in the fashion of attention being the fuel that sustains this journey. It surely isn’t! While we sit back sulking, drowning in hate as we dwell on the odious comments that others pass in judgmental light. Carving out ideas on going off….to go up the admiration list. Your innocent intention of being ‘just noticed’ might give others the wrong  impression of you trying even much harder to ignore and keep up your ‘fame’, backing up your growing indecency “For man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart” (ISamuel16 :7). Smiling out from ear to ear as you lay this proof. You’d only convince someone who doesn’t know better the interpretations of those words. No, I didn’t insult you. Take a conscious effort and read out your proof again. Don’t forget as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he. The inside controls the outside. So, before you pollute your inside while trying to please men that will fall out of pleasure, think again.

Stay put as the master sculptor has carved you. Just in being yourself, admiration will come. Blush as much as you desire then, accept every look of admiration gracefully. Take a step above negative comments, unedifying thoughts and walk in Godly confidence. What else? Oh! There I’m reminded of this necessity “and above all things , put on charity” (Colossians 3:14). How much of a resplendent beauty you are, you’ll be convinced. At reflection of God’s beauty. “wow!” I saw that coming and I must say what a beautiful smile you have, keep it up dearie. And again, never forget that you are God’s art work. “Perfect

You Are Never Alone

Every man has a purpose in life. Ours is to help people discover, rediscover and fulfill their purpose. We believe that the young generation are the building blocks and foundation of the next new thing the world is about to experience.

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