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Don’t Stop

Don’t Stop

No matter how hard it gets

No matter how tough it gets

No matter how windy, cold and dry it gets

Don’t stop until you get there

You will meet predators and vampires out for blood

Obstacles and stumbling blocks

Seemingly insurmountable walls

Don’t stop

You will go through life’s roughest

Life’s scariest

And life’s ugliest

Don’t stop

You will be pushed back

Tripped and stepped over

You will be caught by traps you never would have seen

Don’t stop

Even when faced with the STOP sign

Don’t stop

Even when you see others turning back

Don’t stop

When you are taken beyond your comfort zone

When your limit is stretched

And you feel well past your breaking point

Don’t stop ‘cos your breaking point is where you give up

Impossibility means different things to different people

Don’t take someone’s definition of impossibility as yours

You have no idea how far you can go

Till you are pushed beyond your self-credited limits.

Don’t stop.

Every man has a purpose in life. Ours is to help people discover, rediscover and fulfill their purpose. We believe that the young generation are the building blocks and foundation of the next new thing the world is about to experience.

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